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Are you struggling with AP Physics? Wiingy’s online AP Physics tutors got your back! With Wiingy you get 1:1 private tutoring sessions to help you with all the AP Physics topics, test preparation, and homework.
What is AP Physics?
AP Physics is one of the AP courses offered under the Advance Placement program that the College Board runs. AP Physics course covers different areas in the field of Physics. These courses are considered equivalent to university courses that are in the field of Physics.
There are four types of AP Physics courses that students can choose from. These courses are:
- AP Physics 1- Algebra-based
- AP Physics 2- Algebra-based
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
Each of these AP Physics courses focuses on different topics in the field of Physics. All of these courses are advanced-level.
AP Physics 1 & AP Physics 2
AP Physics 1 & 2 were added to the AP course list in 2015. These two courses are Algebra based so students are required to have completed a course in Algebra. For students who want to opt for AP Physics 2, it is required that they should have completed the AP Physics 1 course before opting for AP Physics 2.
In AP Physics 1, students are exposed to the foundational principles of Physics with topics like Newtonian mechanics, mechanical waves, and waves. The course also requires students to do some hands-on laboratory work.
Topics covered in AP Physics 1
Units |
Unit Ⅰ: Kinematics |
Unit Ⅱ: Dynamics |
Unit Ⅲ: Circular Motion and Gravitation |
Unit Ⅳ: Energy |
Unit Ⅴ: Momentum |
Unit Ⅵ: Simple Harmonic Motion |
Unit Ⅶ: Torque and Rotational Motion |
In AP Physics 2, students build and expand their knowledge of Physics. Students explore some of the advanced-level topics like thermodynamics, magnetism, electric force, electric circuit, quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics. The course also requires students to do some hands-on laboratory work. Students should have completed the AP Physics 1 course or any introductory Physics course before opting for this AP Physics course.
Topics covered in AP Physics 2
Units |
Unit Ⅰ: Fluids |
Unit Ⅱ: Thermodynamics |
Unit Ⅲ: Electric force, Field, and Potential |
Unit Ⅳ: Electric Circuits |
Unit Ⅴ: Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction |
Unit Ⅵ: Geometric and Physical Optics |
Unit Ⅶ: Quantum, Atomic, and Nuclear Physics |
AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
AP Physics C courses are calculus-based Physics courses. Earlier, it was referred to as AP Physics C and covered all Physics topics. So, in 1973, the College Board split this into two 90-minute tests with a single test fee, and in 2006 that changed, and the two tests were charged separately.
AP Physics C: Mechanics explores concepts like kinematics, Newton’s law of motion, linear momentum, etc. The course also requires students to do some hands-on laboratory work. It is also important that students should have taken calculus before taking this course.
Topics covered in AP Physics C: Mechanics
Units |
Unit Ⅰ: Kinematics |
Unit Ⅱ: Newton’s Law of Motion |
Unit Ⅲ: Work, Energy, and Power |
Unit Ⅳ: Systems of Particle and Linear Momentum |
Unit Ⅴ: Rotation |
Unit Ⅵ: Oscillations |
Unit Ⅶ: Gravitation |
In AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism, students are introduced to concepts such as electrostatics, electromagnetism, magnetic fields, etc. Some principles of Calculus are used whenever necessary for formulating physical principles. Also, this course can be combined with AP Physics C: Mechanics to make a combined Physics C course.
Topics covered in AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
Units |
Unit Ⅰ: Electrostatics |
Unit Ⅱ: Conductors, Capacitors, and Dielectrics |
Unit Ⅲ: Electric Circuits |
Unit Ⅳ: Magnetic Fields |
Unit Ⅴ: Electromagnetism |
Why Wiingy is the best site for online AP Physics homework help and test prep
If you are struggling with AP Physics and are considering a tutoring service, Wiingy has the best online tutoring program for AP Physics. Here are some key benefits of using Wiingy for online AP Physics homework help and test prep:
- Best AP Physics teachers:
Wiingy’s award-winning AP Physics tutors are experts in their field, with years of experience teaching and helping students succeed. They are passionate about AP Physics and committed to helping students reach their full potential.
- 24/7 AP Physics help:
With Wiingy, you can get AP Physics help whenever you need it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our tutors are available online so you can get the help you need when you need it most.
- Better AP Physics grades:
Our AP Physics tutoring program is designed to help students improve their grades and succeed in class. Our tutors will work with you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and develop a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.
- Interactive and flexible sessions:
Our Advanced Placement Physics tutoring sessions are interactive and flexible, so you can learn at your own pace and in a way that works best for you. You can ask questions, get feedback on your work, and get help with any specific topics that you are struggling with.
- AP Physics worksheets and other resources:
Wiingy provides students with access to various AP Physics practice tests and worksheets in addition to tutoring sessions. Wiingy also offers an AP Physics exam guide. These resources can help you learn new concepts, practice your skills, and prepare for the AP Physics exam.
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Average lesson cost: | $28/hr |
Free trial offered: | Yes |
Tutors available: | 700+ |
Average tutor rating: | 4.8/5 |
Lesson format: | One-on-One Online |