
Scratch Games Tutorial

If you want to make and play amazing Scratch games you have come to the right place.

Scratch is a visual block-based programming language designed for kids ages 8 and up. However, even though it’s a block-based language it is surprisingly powerful for creating games.

Whether you’re just getting started on your Scratch games or already know the basics, this Scratch Games Tutorial will unlock a tonne of learning and fun for you! So read on

What are the types of Scratch games?

Scratch games are designed using Scratch elements such as sprites, backdrops, sounds, and costumes. All these elements are programmed using Scratch coding blocks in the Scratch editor. Here are the top 10 types of games that can be programmed in Scratch:

  1. Scroller Games
  2. Flappy Bird Games
  3. Platformer Games
  4. Maze Games
  5. Dodging Games
  6. Snake Games
  7. Pong Games
  8. Knife Games
  9. RPG Role-Playing Games
  10. Animation Games

Scratch Games Tutorial

Scratch games are designed using Scratch elements such as sprites, backdrops, sounds, and costumes. All these elements are programmed using Scratch coding blocks in the Scratch editor. Read this tutorial to make and play amazing Scratch games!

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