Collaborative Business & Finance lessons with hands-on support

Accounting tutor - Moturi Sairam
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Quick help with exam doubts
90% of students get timely exam-related doubt clearance.
Support beyond class hours
Parents appreciate the extra doubt clearance outside lessons.
Personalized study plans for exam success
90% of students feel their plan is tailored to their needs.
About your tutor
Sairam Moturi is an Assistant Professor in Accounting and Finance area. He is having 10 years of work experience in Academia and Industry. Moturi earned his PhD focussed in Accounting from University of Hyderabad. His research focuses on Earnings manipulation, Rotation of Auditors and Audit Quality. Moturi is a dual post graduate with MBA (Finance & Human Resources) and Masters in Commerce focused in Accountancy and a Certified Accounting Technician by education. Skilled in building courses and teaching, Working Knowledge in Statistical Packages (R and Stata), Accounting and Auditing Research.
Concepts learning
Homework help
Grade improvement
Exam prep
Teaching methodology
I, Sairam Moturi a highly motivated teacher with a passion for teaching accounting courses and conducting research in the accounting and auditing domains. My teaching philosophy is learner-centric. I believe students learn best when actively engaged in the learning process. I use a variety of teaching methods to promote active learning, such as case studies, group projects, simulations, and discussions of contemporary research in my classroom. I encourage students to ask questions and participate in class discussions rather than using the blackboard method of teaching.
Student types
Adult / Professional
All Levels
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
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