Physics & Biology with a supportive & interactive approach
AP Physics 2 tutor - Elara Sutton
Post Doctorate degree
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Rated 5 stars consistently
Loved by students for exceptional teaching quality.
Support beyond class hours
Quick help available even outside scheduled lessons.
Interactive quizzes for better retention
Students find it easy to learn with the tutor.
About your tutor
Hi, I’m Elara, and I hold a Master’s in Molecular Biology with 8 years of teaching experience. I offer tailored lessons for school students, helping them with assignments and exam preparation. Beyond teaching, I enjoy exploring new scientific advancements and engaging in outdoor activities. I began tutoring because of my passion for making complex biological concepts accessible and exciting for students.
Homework help
Exam prep
Grade improvement
Concepts learning
Teaching methodology
In my sessions, I offer personalized lessons designed to meet each student’s unique needs. I focus on providing clear explanations and practical examples to help students grasp challenging concepts. Additionally, I provide support with assignments and prepare students thoroughly for exams. My goal is to make learning engaging and effective, ensuring that each student gains confidence and proficiency in biology.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
GCSE Physics
GED Science
ACT Science
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Biology
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