Collaborative AP Computer Science Principles tutor with motivational support
AP Computer Science Principles tutor - Miles Spencer
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Score improvement within 8 weeks
Students report noticeable improvement in test scores.
Support beyond regular classes
Parents appreciate timely help during stressful exam times.
Personalized study plans for success
90% of students feel their plan is tailored to their needs.
About your tutor
Hello! I’m Miles, a passionate tutor with 12 years of experience in education. I hold a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and specialize in a range of subjects, including mathematics, science, and English. In my free time, I love to explore new hobbies such as reading, photography, and hiking. I began tutoring out of a desire to help students understand complex concepts and achieve their academic goals, all while boosting their confidence. Teaching has been a rewarding journey for me, enabling me to make a positive difference in my students lives.
Score improvement
Test prep
Homework help
Teaching methodology
As a dedicated tutor in AP Computer Science Principles, I create personalized lessons tailored to university students needs. I focus on mock test preparation and interview skills, helping students build confidence and master essential concepts. My approach emphasizes practical applications, ensuring that students can navigate complex topics effectively. I strive to foster a supportive learning environment that encourages academic growth and prepares students for future challenges.
Student types
All Levels
Adult / Professional
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
AP Computer Science Principles
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