


Outstanding Java tutor with 4+ years of classroom experience. assisted with examinations at all levels, from college to high school. and has a software engineering Bachelor's degree.


Hi there! I have been teaching Java for more than 4 years, making me an excellent tutor. I have successfully helped pupils in high school and college with their exams. I am passionate about assisting kids in achieving academic success, and I have a bachelor's degree in software engineering. I like to play chess and code for fun projects in my free time, which I frequently utilize to infuse my courses with a new and useful viewpoint.



Bachelor’s Degree (4 years)

Can also teach

  • Computer Science
  • JavaScript
  • C
  • Java

Teaching methodology

My approach to teaching Java programming is centered on making it interesting and approachable for learners of all skill levels. I begin by breaking down difficult ideas into their most basic forms and making sure everyone understands them. My classes include interactive coding sessions, practical exercises, and real-world examples to make learning interesting and useful. I modify my teaching methods to fit the unique requirements and learning preferences of each student, offering individualized coaching and support. I focus on developing critical thinking and practical knowledge by working through a variety of coding problems and past exam questions. Frequent evaluations and helpful criticism promote curiosity and a sincere interest in programming while tracking development and addressing problem areas.

Phaedra Bowen - Java Tutor
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Phaedra Bowen



Java Tutor

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