Engaging Physics lessons with hands-on, problem-solving focus

AP Physics 1 tutor - Mohmin Qureshi
Bachelors degree
/ hour
Rated 5 stars consistently
Loved by students for exceptional teaching quality.
Support beyond class hours
Quick help available even outside scheduled lessons.
Interactive quizzes for better retention
Students find it easy to learn with the tutor.
About your tutor
As a physics tutor, I offer a unique blend of strong academic knowledge and a passion for teaching. My solid foundation in physics, evidenced by my educational background and hands-on experience, ensures I can explain complex concepts clearly and accurately. I am patient and skilled at identifying individual learning styles, allowing me to tailor my teaching methods to suit each student's needs. My enthusiasm for physics is contagious, making learning engaging and enjoyable. Additionally, my excellent communication skills and approachable demeanor create a supportive learning environment, fostering confidence and academic growth in my students.
Exam prep
Grade improvement
Test prep
Concepts learning
Teaching methodology
In my sessions, I employ the best methods to cater to learners at all levels by first assessing their individual needs and learning styles. I use active learning techniques, such as interactive problem-solving and real-world applications, to make sessions engaging and effective. Encouraging questions and fostering critical thinking, I help students build a deep understanding of concepts. I conduct regular assessments through quizzes and feedback, adapting my teaching strategies based on their progress. This personalized, dynamic approach ensures that each student masters the material, leading to sustained academic growth and confidence when faced with exam problems.
Student types
Adult / Professional
All Levels
Home schooled
Subjects taught by tutor
GCSE Physics
AP Physics 1
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