Better Tutors Better Results : Best Online Tutors in Australia
Get help from top verified tutors for Math, Science, Coding and any other subject of your choice. Affordable online tutoring for school students, college goers, and working professionals starting at only AU$35/hr
923 Students signed up in last 7 days
Three ways private tutor can help
Whether you need tailored one-on-one tutoring, homework assistance, or comprehensive test prep to excel in exams, our platform connects you with highly qualified tutors who can help you succeed.
Try our affordable private lessons risk-free
- Our free trial lets you experience a real session with an expert tutor.
- We find the perfect tutor for you based on your learning needs.
- Sign up for as few or as many lessons as you want. No minimum commitment or subscriptions.
In case you are not satisfied with the tutor after your first session, let us know, and we will replace the tutor for free under our Perfect Match Guarantee program.
Tutoring for all grades and levels in Australia
Find expert vetted private tutors in 350+ subjects including math, science, language learning, music, coding & test prep. Private tutors for school, college & professionals.
For school students
- Are you falling behind in your class?
- Looking for extra test prep?
- Need to ace the AP exam?
Learn crucial concepts and get homework help for your class or course with online lessons from the comfort of your home.
Expert Tutors
For college students
- Are you struggling in a course?
- Stuck in your coding project?
- Assignments taking forever to complete?
Get help from top online tutors for your concepts, projects or assignments.
Subjects to Explore
For professionals
- Looking for a new skill to enhance your career?
- Signed up for a coding boot camp but falling behind?
- Moved to a new role and need some help?
Connect with an expert online tutor to get a custom learning plan to help you achieve your goals.
Starting at A$35
per hour
Why choose Wiingy private tutor
Expert tutor network in Australia
Extensive tutor assessment process with <3% acceptance rate.Learn from 4,500+ vetted tutors in the subject of your choice.
Flexible and convenient
We offer a zero-cost free trial lesson, any-time tutor replacement, and a no-questions-asked refund if you are not satisfied. Start learning risk-free
Value you can’t beat
Affordable lessons with no minimum subscription commitment.Sign up for as few or as many lessons as you want, starting at AU$35/hr.
Our students love us
Get affordable private lessons with Wiingy starting at $28/hr
Book your free trial lesson (no credit card required)
Zero cost trial
Book a guilt-free trial lesson in less than 30 seconds. No credit card required
No subscriptions
Sign up with as few or as many lessons as you want. No commitment needed.
Transparent refunds
Get a refund within the first 10 days if you are not happy with your tutor. No questions asked
Frequently asked questions
Wiingy offers private one-to-one tutoring services to students. Through Wiingy’s tutoring services, a student is matched with a tutor, who is responsible for understanding the child’s needs, and pace of understanding, and helps them in learning the concepts of different subjects. Wiingy currently provides tutoring services to school students as well as university students for the subjects, Maths, English, and Science including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Python, Coding, and Computer Science including C++, SQL, and many more languages. Wiingy also provides tutoring in Test Preparation for NAPLAN, OC, SAT, and ACT. Wiingy also offers experiential learning courses such as Minecraft, Robotics, App Development, and Design. Finding tutors for a specific curriculum is quite tricky since the curriculum varies from student to student. Hence, one can opt for Wiingy’s private tutoring services. Anyone looking for a private tutor in Canada can take Wiingy’s help to fulfill their tutoring needs.
Yes, all of Wiingy’s tutoring classes for all subjects are taught online in a private setting. The top 1% of selected Wiingy tutors and subject matter experts teach all lessons online in a private setting from the convenience of your own home.
With Wiingy, you will get online live classes in a private setting from the comforts of your home. Wiingy tutors also provide help with schoolwork or assignments in all subjects. Personalized lesson plans suited to your needs, requirements, the pace of understanding, and timetable. All the classes in all subjects are based on real-life problem statements and industry standards so that you can grow beyond the classroom.